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Join PRSA -- National and Local


There is only one organization that is dedicated to meeting your professional needs - the Public Relations Society of America. With over 19,000 members in the US and 24 other countries, its primary objectives are to advance the standards of the public relations profession and to provide members with professional development opportunities.

As an individual membership society, the benefits of membership in PRSA are designed for, and delivered to you as an individual. Many resources are included in your membership dues, and some are available at a reduced member fee.

PRSA firmly believes that professional integrity is based on sound and ethical practice. Upon joining the Society, members agree to adhere to PRSA's Code of Professional Standards for the Practice of Public Relations.

Who is eligible to join? How much does it cost?
An individual who devotes a substantial portion of time to the paid professional practice of public relations or to the teaching or administering of public relations courses in an accredited college or university is eligible for membership.  Unemployed individuals are not eligible to apply. Applicants are required to pay an initiation fee of $65 and annual dues of $175.  Local Chapter and Professional Interest Section fees are additional.

The annual membership dues for the Central Pennsylvania Chapter are $40.

You have the opportunity to join the Society on three levels: National membership; National and Chapter membership; and National and Professional Interest Section membership.  No matter which you choose, the words PRSA Member on your letterhead and business card tell your clients -- and your peers -- that they're working with someone who is committed to delivering only the best!

[Join PRSA today, online]

[Learn more about PRSA membership benefits]

[Get a membership packet from the Central Pennsylvania Chapter]